Wednesday night I had the chance to speak out at Cedar Grove Baptist Church in Leeds, Alabama with Chuck Hooten leading worship. It was an amazing night and Chuck did an awesome job of leading us in worship. The message was beLIEve. Emphasizing that there are things in this world that are real and that are not real. Even more, do we truly believe that God is real? It sounds simple but it's not. The fact that God is real may be the greatest thing we can say about Him, considering that we live in an environment where going to church, being a Christian, and owning a David Crowder CD or some other Christian artist CD is the cool thing to do. If you are not a Christian you are considered an outcast, not part of the normal grind. As if God is normal, no way! God is other, not normal, not part of the southern Christian boxes we try to fit Him in that says this is just a part of my life. Some people call themselves Christians because they feel it is the right thing to do or say. Some people call themselves Christians just because they don't want to call themselves non-christians. Point is God is not a country club, program or even an organization. God is a person, a reigning King. God is real and in our midst, He's watching, listening, comforting, solving problems, holding, caring, instructing, leading, helping, directing, reigning! God is not a mere service or building, or even an idea. God is who He says he is. Do you believe? Praise God that 4 young men Wednesday night believed for the very first time in their life.
2 Days 15 Hours 25 Minutes 20 Seconds till Christmas!
"On that day it shall be said to Jerusalem: "Fear not, O Zion; let not your hands grow weak. The Lord is in your midst".
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