Thursday, February 14, 2008

Redneck Theology 101

Today Jesus asked to be my friend on facebook and I said no. Of coarse it was not really Jesus but just another idiot expressing their Jesus as their "homeboy". If you ever wanted to know why the Church is sometimes the laughing stock of culture it is because of things like this. I know many people that have nothing against the Holy, King of Kings, and Lord of Lords but will not step into a church because to some Jesus is a "buddy" that ends up as a bumper sticker on someone's honda. I am not sure where it actually comes from or where it is going but I do know that a little respect for the Son of God is not only respected by insiders but also by outsiders. We should fear the Lord and think of Him as who He really is, not as some hippie truck driver making his way through town.

"The end of the matter; all has been heard. Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of man." - Ecclesiastes 12:13


RDJones said...

amen brother

Anonymous said...

I agree. I myself am a high schooler, and sometimes believe that the younger generation of Christians take the whole "Jesus wants a relationship with you" thing a little too far.

Have some respect for the man who went through the ultimate suffering so you can get into Heaven!