Sunday, December 21, 2008

Holy Affections part 1. photo by Rachel Jones

I don't know why I never realized it before, but I found the answer in a very strange place. I was thinking the other day as to why there is this desire and urge within all of us during Christmas. We desire so many things but it's never enough. We want presents, friends, SNOW, memories, but if I'm really honest I am always looking for something else. I have been seeing this in myself for years and wondered what this desire for something else was all about. Make fun of me if you will but I was driving around looking at Christmas lights the other night, by myself I might add, and got real excited about Christmas but noticed yet again, that I was wanting something more. I finally realized what it was. My desire that was so overwhelming but hard to notice, was the desire of heaven. The desire to see Jesus face to face and worship Him forever. I guess there are certain things about Christmas that bring it out. For instance, I was preaching on the attributes of God the other night using some photos that a friend of mine, Rachel Jones took. One picture was of a tree with snow on it. The very first time I saw snow it reminded me of God's grace, because every time you see snow it makes everything look different. When a landscape has snow on it, it doesn't look the same, it looks clean, pure, and right.
Jonathan Edwards the great preacher of the 1700's called this Holy Affections. Edwards says that, "He who has no religious affection is in a state of spiritual death and is wholly destitute of powerful quickening influences of the Spirit of God." These affections that Edwards talks about are things like a strong desire to be with Jesus and follow Him no matter where He goes, hatred for sin, Godliness, hoping in God's promises, and thanksgiving for Salvation through Jesus Christ. If these desires and longings are nowhere to be found in a person, this is a clear sign that there is no saving faith in the person. For the Christian, there is a longing to be with Jesus now and forever for the supreme purpose of giving Him glory that is due. This Christmas I challenge you to understand the deep longing to be at home with Jesus that lies within you and use it to strengthen your faith in the promise of Jesus that one day He will return to take His Children home!

"And the angel said to me, "Write this: Blessed are those who are invited to the marriage supper of the Lamb. And he said to me, these are the true words of God." - Revelation 19:9

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